Heads of the companies often make a lot of efforts for improvement of the processes aimed at achievement of certain purposes and increase in efficiency of collaboration of the involved employees. They really understand importance of ensuring communication and efficiency between departments or groups in larger scale. This search of optimum approach to interaction is connected with need of the solution of the vital problems which inevitably arise at dissociation in different departments and areas of the company. Execution of necessary work irrespective of other divisions of the company can do more harm, than advantage as in this case employees are aimed at the solution of specific questions, but not on achievement of a common goal as part of it.
The term “business process” is used for the description of the organization and structure of the interconnected actions of staff of the company for successful achievement of a goal. The point of automation of business process is in setting structure of transfer of responsibility for performance of process and, consequently, achievement of the goal. For certain employees the business process represents steps for achievement of successful results. In case of small and large groups the business process is understood as purpose of duties which each participant of group has to carry out for performance of the task, general for group.
It may presumably give a set of examples of the automated business processes, beginning from process of preparation of a dish on the set recipe and before branched process of merger of one company another. The companies which apply business process automation in such industries as sales, marketing, HR and others, note positive results of use of such approach to management thanks to the high level of the organization of works, focus of actions of employees and discipline when performing duties.
Certain irreplaceable components are the key to success of business process. First of all, for each stage of process data and materials are required. Secondly, the algorithm – process to which people or the software (in case of business process automation) could follow is necessary. At last, the result for the purpose of which achievement efforts are made has to be defined, time is wasted and data are used. It is necessary to recognize importance of these components of automation of business process and to find time for the choice and formalization of each of them as, having only laid the correct foundation, you will be able to expect correct result.
For the first time this term Frederik Taylor and Henry Gant – mechanical engineers and consultants for management – in the twenties used the XX centuries. Initially this term was linked to production, but in the course of study and reconsideration of the term of business process it became applicable even for the description of dynamics of activity within family. In the early eighties on the basis of U. Edwards Deminga and Joseph M. Dzhuran’s works the new concept of business process was developed, and the theory found support by technologies. For example, absolutely new ways of interaction, statement of the purposes and achievement of results appeared thanks to emergence of typewriters, photocopiers and personal computers. The Internet also became one of major factors for development of new approaches to management of business processes (BPM) and development of practice of business process automation.
The theory of management of business processes nearly hundred years, and it continues to develop therefore it can be useful to each business to achievement of the relevant purposes thanks to the organization and division of processes into various stages performed by people and decisions for business process automation.
There is a set of examples of processes to which successful execution the business process automation application is relevant. Activity in such areas as finance, human resources and marketing, can be divided into various processes, a part from which can be automated. For example, thanks to business process automation on I will hire employees and their adaptations in a workplace, processing of requests for purchase and orders from clients, it is possible to achieve excellent results in improvement of quality of the executed works and reduction of operational expenses.
The key idea of use of digital tools is in effectively to work with all data on clients, tasks and services/goods of the company and also to automate certain actions which can be executed without human efforts. The purpose of business process automation isn’t replacement of employees who carry out the repeating tasks, on program robots. Thanks to business process automation, the staff of the company gets rid of routine and mechanical tasks and has an opportunity to be focused on performance of new duties, research tasks or any activity assuming application of experience and knowledge of the employee.
Business process automation also helps groups of people to coordinate better efforts therefore disorganization can be excluded from the equation. At last, business process automation can guarantee higher precision of results. All these advantages are the reason that there are more and more businessmen, heads of departments and also the small and large companies apply business process automation in the work.
All these advantages are relevant for each organization which wants to protect the competitiveness and to develop. Each business in mind has competitors who seek to win the modern market, and approach to management of work in the company can become a decisive factor in competition. Often timely business process automation decides what business will achieve success and what will teeter on the brink of existence.
As it was already told, control systems of business processes are intended for people who want to play the role in the company most effectively and to feel the contribution to process of achievement both the local purposes, and the key purposes of the company. Matter not only that the system provides visualization of process of achievement of the goal and coordination of works, but also thanks to business process automation is significantly reduced the manual repeating and tiresome work.
Therefore use of technologies for business process automation and new advantages which they offer business is one of key factors of success of business in the modern world. The companies which stake on traditional management styles business aren’t mistaken; but these traditional approaches are often insufficiently effective for coverage of a huge business environment which surrounds the companies. Exactly there is a conflict of restrictions of the chosen technology and new requirements of business due to the need of adaptation to the changing business environment. Those who want to achieve success have to consider the possibility of an exit from this dilemma by change of approach to business management and, if necessary, replacements to the used technology. Business process automation is undoubtedly correct step to growth and success during a digital era, and introduction of a system of business process automation will mean positive changes and positive results.
Starting business process automation, the company often faces problems which nullify efforts or significantly reduce useful effect.